Blog Educativo - Hezkuntza Blog

lunes, 17 de septiembre de 2012

miércoles, 25 de enero de 2012

Euskalbarrekin euskarazko hiztegietan bilaketak egitea inoiz baino errazagoa da. Begiratu laguntza bere funtzionamendua ezagutzeko.

Euskalbar 3.9 from assar on Vimeo.

jueves, 10 de marzo de 2011

Tesi batean ohartarazi dute arriskutsua dela irakasle gutxi batzuen gain uztea Lehen Hezkuntzan Interneten erabilera txertatzeko ardura

Tesi batean ohartarazi dute arriskutsua dela irakasle gutxi batzuen gain uztea Lehen Hezkuntzan Interneten erabilera txertatzeko ardura

Jon Altuna psikopedagogoak zorrotz aztertu du eskola 2.0 fenomenoa. Zehazki, sakon ikertu du nolakoa den Interneten eta Informazio eta Komunikazio Teknologien (IKT) erabilera eta integrazio-maila Lehen Hezkuntzako hirugarren zikloan. Era berean, gaiarekiko irakasleek, ikasleek eta haurren familiek duten jarrerari erreparatu dio. UPV/EHUn defendatu du bere tesia, eta Integración de Internet en la didáctica de la asignatura Conocimiento del Medio en el tercer ciclo de Primaria: posibilidades y análisis de la situación de un centro educativo (Interneten integrazioa Ingurunea irakasgaiaren didaktikan, Lehen Hezkuntzako hirugarren zikloan: ikastetxe baten aukerak eta egoeraren analisia) du izenburu.

Zortzi urtez ikastetxe batean egindako kasu-ikerketa batean dago oinarrituta Altunaren lana. Bertan, IKT-jarduerak txertatu zituzten Lehen Hezkuntzako bosgarren eta seigarren mailan irakasten den Ingurunea irakasgaian. Ikastetxe horretako 837 ikasleren, 134 irakasleren eta 190 familiaren datuak bildu zituen ikertzaileak. Lagin horren osagarri, 21 ikastetxetan IKT arloaren ardurapean zeuden irakasleen esperientziak ere hartu zituen kontuan.
Aldaketak irakaskuntzan eta ikaskuntzan

Tesian ondorioztatu denez, Lehen Hezkuntzan IKTak erreminta didaktiko gisa txertatzeak aldaketa positiboak dakartza, irakaslearen nahiz ikaslearen rolari dagokionez. Irakasleek eta ikasleek igorle eta hartzaile (hurrenez hurren) hutsak izateari uzten diote. Lehenak informazioaren bitartekari bihurtzen dira, eta bigarrenek aukera dute ikertuz eta aurkituz ikasteko, bai eta ideiak ikaskideen eta irakasleen aurrean azaltzeko ere. Hala, beste ikasleen lanen berri ere izaten dute.

Horrenbestez, Interneten eta IKTen erabilerak parte-hartzea eta elkarlana sustatzen ditu eskolan. Altunak azaldu duenez, ikasketa-eredu konstruktibistagoak, sozio-konstruktibistagoak, bai eta konektibistagoak ere indartzen lagun dezake.
Mugak integrazioan

Hezkuntzarako aukera handia eskaintzen badu ere, ikertzaileak ohartarazi du faktore askok mugatu dutela aztergai izan den irakasgaian Internet txertatzea. Hauexek dira horietako batzuk: astero eskaintzen zaion denbora-tartea, hornidura teknologiko eta informatikoa, Internetera sarbidea eta konexioa, ikastetxearen curriculuma eta, batez ere, irakasleen ezagutza, trebakuntza eta inplikazioa.

Azken faktore horri dagokionez, tesian ageri denez, joera dago “ordenagailuetan aditutzat” jotzen diren irakasleen gain uzteko IKTak eskolan txertatzeko ardura. Altunak ohartarazi du jokabide hori arriskutsua dela, hala jarraituz gero gainontzeko irakasleek trebatu gabe eta IKTak eta Internet aplikatzeko ezgai jarraituko luketelako haien irakasgaietako jardueretan. Beraz, azpimarratu du denek arduratu behar dutela ikasleak digitalki lehiakorrak izan daitezen hartu beharreko hezkuntza-neurriez. Era berean, ikusi du irakasleek beharrezkoa dutela IKTen alorreko orientazio pedagogikoa, berrikuntza didaktikoari dagozkion jarduerak ezagutu eta praktikan jartzeko aholkularitza jaso dezaten.

Irakasleen inplikazio falta ez ezik, haurren senideena ere gaineratu du Altunak IKTak behar bezala txertatzea galarazten duten muga gisa. Tesian azaltzen denez, familiek badute interesa haien haurrek Internet eta IKTak erreminta didaktiko gisa erabil ditzaten, baina haiek ere ardura gehiegitxo uzten dute eskolaren gain. Ikertzaileak dio senideek ere orientazioa behar dutela; izan ere, kezka eragiten die beren seme-alabek Internetez egiten duten erabilerak, baina ez dakite nola jokatu auzi horri dagokionez.

miércoles, 9 de marzo de 2011

B I Z K A I e

B I Z K A I e

Incorporating Internet into education is everyone's responsibility, according to thesis

University of the Basque Country lecturer, Jon Altuna, states that ICTs foment participation, but their incorporation behoves the implication of all the teachers and families.

This release is available in Spanish.

Educational psychologist Dr Jon Altuna has carried out a thorough study of the phenomenon of the school 2.0. Concretely, he has looked into the use and level of incorporation of Internet and of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) into the third cycle of Primary Education, observing at the same time the attitudes of the teaching staff, and of the students and the families of the children in this regard. His PhD, defended at the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU), is entitled, Incorporation of Internet into the teaching of the subject Knowledge of the Environment during the third cycle of Primary Education: possibilities and analysis of the situation of a school.

Dr Altuna's research is based on a study of cases undertaken over eight years at a school where new activities involving ICT had been introduced into the curricular subject of Knowledge of the Environment, taught in the fifth and sixth year of Primary Education. The researcher gathered data from 837 students, 134 teachers and 190 families of this school. This study was completed with the experiences of ICT teachers from 21 schools.

Changes in teaching staff and learning

The PhD concluded that the incorporation of Information and Communication Technologies into Primary Education brought with it positive changes in the role of the teacher and the student. Teachers and students stopped being mere transmitters and receptors, respectively. The first became mediators of information and the second opted for learning through investigating, discovering and presenting ideas to classmates and teachers. In this way they have, at the same time, the opportunity of getting to know the work of other students, too.

Thus, the use of Internet and ICTs reinforce participation and collaboration in the school. According to Dr Altuna, it also helps to boost learning models that are more constructivist, socio-constructivist and even connectivist.

Limitations to its incorporation

Despite its educational possibilities the researcher warns that there are numerous factors that limit the incorporation of Internet into the teaching of the curricular subject in question. These involve aspects such as the time dedicated weekly, technological and computer facilities, accessibility and connection to Internet, the school curriculum and, above all, the knowledge, training and involvement of the teaching staff.

In the latter case, the thesis observed a tendency to delegate responsibility for ICT in the school to those teachers who were considered to be "computer experts". Dr Altuna warns of the risks that this practice runs, as thereby the rest of the staff continues to be untrained and unable to apply ICT and Internet in activities undertaken within their curricular subject. It has to be stressed, therefore, that all should be responsible for the educational measures to be taken so that students acquire digital skills. Also observed was the need for a pedagogic approach to ICT which advises the teaching staff on knowledge about and putting into practice activities in educational innovation.

Dr Altuna not only includes the lack of involvement of teaching staff amongst the limitations for incorporating ICT, but also that of the involvement of the families. It was explained that families showed interest in the use of Internet and ICTs as educational tools for their children, but that these, too, excessively delegate to the schools. The researcher stressed that the families also need guidance, as they are concerned about the use by their children of Internet but do not know the best way to go about the problem.

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